✔ 最佳答案
1.the adv is that the owner can shift part of the business risk to it's workers through sharing profit.the disadv is that a high cost of wage caculation will result as owner need to caculate the % of profit given to their workers..
2.Ys.for piece rate, it will have high cost of wage caculation as the owner have to caculate the contribution of their workers.it is confined to high standardization work too.Also,the quality of output will be lower due to rush work,owner have to have quality control.besides,due to unstable income,it's difficult for the owner to maintain a stable work force.
However,for time rate,low cost of wage caculation as the owner need not to caculate the contribution,he only needs to give a stable income.He need not set the scope of work too,so the scope can be wider.the workers will not have great incentive to produce,so rush work will not be resulted,which means to quality will not be lower.as he provides stable income,he can maintain a stable work force.