F.6 Power Series

2011-05-07 9:16 pm
I was able to find the radius of convergence
but I got stuck when I am going to substitute the endpoints to the series


thanks a lot.......

The answer is supposed to be in this form (-a, a) I know the radius of convergence but I don't know if the series converges when I plug -a and a into the power series that's why I create this question thanks a lot.....


For 第二個回答: 我唔係質疑你個答案, 但係個series係alternating, sub -1/sqrt(2) 入去係divergent, 呢個小弟絕對理解 咁到sub 1/sqrt(2) 入去果陣 唔係可以用alternating series test 來prove到佢係convergent架咩?? 唔該哂

回答 (2)

2011-05-08 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案


2011-05-07 23:15:43 補充:
上面唔識, 唔好亂答教錯人...

2011-05-08 09:27:15 補充:
so, it is ( -1/sr(2) 1/sr(2) ]

2011-05-08 09:34:20 補充:
哎呀...even -1/sr(2) converges too..
there's still a (-1)^n-1 in front..
so alternating series again..

2011-05-08 09:38:14 補充:
^ (-1)^n+1
2011-05-08 9:19 pm
To act_2_mon:

我無亂答, 只係差左 forget to take limit n tends to infinity

唔該你睇清楚我 D record and 分清黑白, 別做高分低能.

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