如何測試水是否在光合作用裏的必要條件??? 20點

2011-05-07 8:11 am
如何測試水是否在光合作用裏的必要條件??? 20點


回答 (4)

2011-05-07 8:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Destarch 左一棵綠色植物(因為綠色植色有葉綠素,可以進行光合作用)(最好唔好有泥,因為泥入面可能有水)
2) 放D 吸濕劑(如CaO/CaCl2)入一個膠袋(最好係透明,方便observe),紮實個膠袋口
3) 等大約5分鐘,將棵destarch 左既植物放入膠袋,然後盡快紮番實個膠袋(D 吸濕劑唔好contact 到棵植物)
4) 將膠袋+入面棵植物放系陽光下,等幾個鐘~幾日
5) 拎番棵植物出黎,滴D iodine solution 落棵植物,睇下有無變色

參考: me
2011-05-08 6:40 am
CO2 + H2O----> Carbohydrate + O2
Yes, we know it is true.
But how do you perform an experiment to show that the above equation is true (water is required)?
And the answer is impossible to perform an experiment.
2011-05-07 5:19 pm
This question must be placed in Biology to have better answer . Since here I try my best to answer :
Photosynthesis can be represented by : CO2 + H2O---->Carbonhydrate + O2 This happens in the leaves with the chlorophyll with the sunlight light as the energy for building up the food . This process has been verified true so it is a fact ! According to the above equation , water must be required to provide the Hydroen element in the carbonhydrate (C6H22O11)n . From this equation already prove water must be present to make the photosynthesis complete . Moreover without water , not to mention no photosynthesis , all plant will die !!! If you want detail procedures of this test , go to ask in BIOLOGY .

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2011-05-07 5:15 pm

- 水是光合作用裏的必要條件,沒有水的供應使植物不進行光合光用:還是
- 光合作用不需要水,沒有水的供應使植物死掉,死了的植物不能光合作用。


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