
2011-05-07 2:35 am
之前用WINDOWXP個陣都有1百幾GB,但係洗左機之後裝左WINOWN7就得番20GB比我用.點解同埋點搞番個100幾GB出黎(唔知係唔係裝WINDOW7 個陣MISS 左D咩).

回答 (2)

2011-05-16 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案

When you installed your Windows 7, you have made two mistakes:

1) You have made Windows XP part a partition out of the current portion, and actually XP is no longer user as the system of operation.

2) You made one more partition of the mentioned 100G into a third partition which cannot be detected by your Windows 7 ( which is not in no use and I can say "useless" for it cannot be detected at this moment ).

Nevertheless, you need not to format the whole machine now. You only need to do a few steps to change the situation.

1) From "My Computer" icon on the desktop, select the one "Computer Management" and you can see the current situations of your partition.

2) For the partition concerning XP, make it clear by removal and then, merge the remaining partitions into one. All the partitions will become one only and the lost / undetected 100G will be seen again. Never format for Windows 7's version can enable you doing so without complicated procedures.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-05-11 3:16 am
你洗機冇完全格式化 有D分區係其他地方

解決方法係重裝 係格式化option果度將所有分區delete

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