Will changing my credit card number stop auto-payment?

2011-05-04 4:46 pm
I signed up for this internet service years ago. I authorized them to auto-charge my credit card each month for the service. I called them last month to cancel the service. However, they still charged me for this month's service. While I've already called them to refund the money, I want to make sure that my credit card will not be auto-charged by them again. I'm thinking about telling my credit card company that I have lost the card and requesting them to send me a new card with new number. I wonder if the internet company can still be able to auto-charge my new credit card? I'm worrying that my credit card company will still let them charge to my new card.

回答 (6)

2011-05-05 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be on the safe side, go to a different bank so it can not transfer to the new account.
參考: Retired bill collector 35 years
2011-05-04 6:06 pm
No, reporting the card lost will not stop the auto charge. Most banks transfer all the auto payments to the new card, as a convience to you. Canceling the card is also not a good idea. The auto charge may continue after you close the account.

Oh and not activating the card will not stop the auto charge. Activation is just security feature to insure you received the new card. It won't prevent transactions on the account.

Since you have already contacted the service for refund, send you credit card a letter disputing that extra charge. Explain that you cancelled the service and they continue to charge you. That way the bank will reverse the charges if the service doesn't give you the refund.

You might want to get something in writing from the service acknowledging your cancellation.
參考: BD
2016-09-15 8:41 pm
Not completely sure about this
2011-05-07 5:22 am
dispute the charges, to get your money back. They are defrauding you if you told them to stop and they won't. You may need to send them a certified "drop dead" letter.
2011-05-04 4:50 pm
not always. sometimes banks will just transfer the payment over. they do this for a convenience factor. if there was a preexisting auto payment they figure you still want it. then again some banks don't do this. so to be safe id tell them that you want it canceled.
2011-05-04 4:47 pm
Yes. It will stop them. Unless you gave them your ROUTING NUMBER, The company makes payments through the credit card number.

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