English questions - urgent pl.

2011-05-05 5:20 am
Please tell me the following in Chinese:-

1. Go ahead

2. Hold the line

3. buttocks

4. butt

Thanks a lot for pepe poirot's help. However, I would be grateful if you would also make me a sentence using "go ahead" with the meaning of 向前行.

回答 (2)

2011-05-05 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Go ahead = 得 , 好 , ‘前進’ , ‘向前行 ’ 一個例如:A. Can I borrow your pencil ? 我可以借你的鉛筆嗎 ?B. Go ahead 得, 好

2. Hold the line 不要掛線 (電話接線生咁講 )

3. Buttocks 臀部 / 屁股
(名詞 ) 文法係 formal 過 butt ( 正式過 butt )
4. Butt 可以是動詞, 又可以是名詞 1 Butt (名詞) 屁股 / 屎窟 文法係Informal (係隨便 D 用 )
“ Look at that butt !” 2 Butt (動詞) 打岔 / 插嘴 / 加把口 例如: I was speaking to Mary when he butted in. he butted in = he interrupted 佢插嘴 / 佢加把口
參考: me
2011-05-05 7:53 pm
go ahead (with something)
1. to continue with something; to continue with plans to do something.
Can we go ahead with our party plans? Let's go ahead with it.
2. to carry something ahead.
Please go ahead with the baggage. I will meet you at the ticket counter. Will you please go ahead with the cake? I will bring the ice cream in a minute.

Reference link:

by Jeffrey

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