
2011-05-05 4:02 am
1m x 1m或以上

回答 (2)

2011-05-15 2:43 am
其實好多影印鋪都係 $3 print 一張 A3

如灣仔 188 商場門口的影印鋪

但提一提你, 你最好PRINT 之前問一問果間鋪用緊 ai 幾, 你save 時save 番printing 間shop 個version 就最好.....

如 間鋪用 ai10, 而你就用 cs2的話, 就請係save 時 save 番 ai10.

同埋記得要係 ai 的type 欄度 create outline......因為唔係部部電腦有你想要的字體......你都唔想你d作品隻隻字都係time news roman 或新細明體ga??

假如你轉做 jpeg 的話, 會改變左你的作品的color, 因為jpeg 係壓縮檔.

print 野時滑滑地, 令令地果d 叫粉紙, 有時買ga.
2011-05-05 4:15 am
Try the printing shop on G/F at 250 Jaffe Road, near Steward Road, Wanchai.
Another shop at G/F Lee Cheong Building, enter from the lane next to 314 Hennessy Road (W square) - adjacent to the mini basketball court.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:24:20
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