born 係 adjective 定 verb

2011-05-05 2:23 am
e.g. Chan was born in Hong Kong.

"was born" 係當 passive voice

定拆開當 was ( = verb to be )+ born (只係個 adjective)?


to sandy: why?

回答 (7)

2011-05-15 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Born 在這句子是 verb, 只是應用在 passive voice. “born” is past participle of “bear”.
Born 在這句子不是 adjective. 雖然 born 這個字可以做 adjective.

Bear (verb) 生孩子 bore (past tense), born, borne (past participle)
Bear (verb) 忍受, 負荷, 運送, 攜帶 bore (past tense), borne (past participle)

His wife bore him two children. 他妻子替他生兩個孩子 (active voice)

be born 出生 (verb in passive voice) - When a person or animal was born, they came out of their mother's body and started to exist.

He was born in 1980. 他是1980年出生.
Steve Wonder was born blind. (was born + adjective)
Yo-Yo Ma was born into a very musical family.

was born ….correct (have/has been born, am/is born ~ wrong)
2016-04-26 3:38 pm
Born is Verb. Example : I born in 1997 in Hong Kong
2011-05-05 9:31 pm
發問者: Godfrey(回答者) 已經解釋得很清楚了. 孩子都是由其母親生出來的,而"出生" 是過去某一時刻的動作, 所以要用past tense 和passive voice.
e.g. She was born in 1997.

2011-05-06 19:32:53 補充:
Simon, the question relates to passive verb-form. For your information, passive verb-forms are made with the different tenses of "verb to be", followed by a past participle. My wordings, "past tense and passive voice", illustrated this sentense's construction.

2011-05-06 20:03:01 補充:
typing mistake: sentense's -----> sentence's
2011-05-05 6:56 pm
Chan was born in Hong Kong.

Born 在這句子是 verb, 只是應用在 passive voice. “born” is past participle of “bear”.
Born 在這句子不是 adjective. 雖然 born 這個字可以做 adjective.

Bear (verb) 生孩子 bore (past tense), born, borne (past participle)
Bear (verb) 忍受, 負荷, 運送, 攜帶 bore (past tense), borne (past participle)

His wife bore him two children. 他妻子替他生兩個孩子 (active voice)

be born 出生 (verb in passive voice) - When a person or animal was born, they came out of their mother's body and started to exist.

He was born in 1980. 他是1980年出生.
Steve Wonder was born blind. (was born + adjective)
Yo-Yo Ma was born into a very musical family.

was born ….correct (have/has been born, am/is born ~ wrong)

當 born 是 adjective, 解釋是: 天生的,多數應用在noun 前面, born + noun
born leader 天生的領袖 - someone who has a strong natural ability to lead.
born loser - someone who always seems to have bad things happen to them

bear另外解釋是: 忍受, 負荷. 攜帶 (past participle 是 borne, 不是 born)
I can’t bear it anymore.
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2011-05-05 4:54 pm
to me, born is adj while 'was' is verb.

雖然主動句BORN的動詞轉去被動式BE(is/am/are/was/were) + born. 好似WAS BORN 係動詞, 但事實上不是.

呢個同he walks.轉去進行式he is walking.相似.
;'walking ' is adj. while 'is ' is verb.
呢度walking is present participle while born is past participle, they act as adj too.

2011-05-06 10:34:29 補充:
2011-05-05 4:26 am
如果係was born, 咁born就係past participle.而past participle係由bear(verb)轉過黎, 所以就係verbthat is:bear (忍受)basic word form: bearpast tense: borepast participle: born(actually it's my own thinking..)

if i refer to google dictionary,
born can be verb or adjective...

verb: 出生;出世
adjective: 天生(有某方面才能)的


hope can help you:)
參考: google dictionary, own knowledge(:
2011-05-05 3:21 am
born 係 adjective

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