Help I want know more about financial aid of private school?

2011-05-04 7:36 am
My daughter want apply Sacred Heart High school (SF). Tution fee is $1500-1700 a month. It is quite expensive. Do anyone know the detail sof financial aid plan. How to calculate what amount I can get?

回答 (2)

2011-05-07 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no way for you to calculate the amount, it's very complicated and even if one qualifies, that doesn't mean they'll be offered aid. They (either a school committee or an outside company that does financial aid determination for many private schools) look at all of both parents' financial information and they can consider everything, from income, to unusual debt (paying for nursing home for an elder, substantial medical bills), to how many other kids are in private school/college, to money spent on vacations, new cars, etc. If one of the parents is a student or doesn't work, they will determine an income to apply to that parent.

Schools prefer to give less aid to more students, so full tuition aid is not common. They have to be very careful on who they give the money to, because school families have sacrificed to donate the money. Right now it is especially touchy, considering the economy. The schools expect the families receiving aid sacrifice also, just like those who donated. Education must be a priority in the family.

Even if a family qualifies, that doesn't mean that they will receive aid. First the student must be accepted to the school (some schools get from 2 - 10+ applications per space), then they see how many other families of accepted students need aid, and it is always more than there is aid to give. So usually they have to choose among students as to who should get aid, and usually it's the best students or those that bring something special to the school, like a top athlete. So often a student is accepted, but doesn't receive aid, or receives so little it doesn't really help.

Sometimes Catholic schools only give financial aid to Catholics, or students who attended Catholic K - 8. Sometimes it depends on how much time one has volunteered at the church, if they're a parishioner, etc. Some Catholic schools have merit scholarships (which many schools don't anymore), based on a students grades, test scores, etc.

So apply to the school, and apply for financial aid and see what happens, that's all you can do. Even the school itself can't give you a real answer without considering all the details.

If you're thinking of September 2011, depending on where you live, the admissions process may already be finished. In my area, the decision letters are mailed out, and registration is done, by March and April for the following September. The process usually begins in September or October of the year before the student wants to attend the school. Some schools will take late applications, but good schools in big cities usually have long waiting lists so they don't accept late applications. Also, often a family must get the financial aid application in on time, because even if the school will accept a late application to the school, they don't accept late financial aid applications. This is because they have to decide how to split up the available funds among those who qualify for aid.

Most private schools will have info on their website about admissions. Sometimes Catholic schools have less info, but you can email and they'll send you a packet, or you can visit the school to pick one up. Be sure to read all about the process, like taking entrance exams (maybe the HSPT or COOP), so your daughter will be competitive for admissions.

Good luck!
2011-05-04 2:43 pm
You need to discuss this matter with the high school.

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