09-10 8級鋼琴 sight-reading一問

2011-05-04 3:34 am

考過8級而pass的人可否說說你sight-reading有多少 # or b?

如果只有0/1/2個 # or b是否指會不合格?



回答 (1)

✔ 最佳答案
Q1: any keys, more # or b, the song may be easier. fewer # or b, song may be more difficult and the examiner may give a lower mark unless you play very well

Q2: 如果只有0/1/2個 # or b不指會不合格

Q3: this are 肯定的答案

Q4: nor related

Q5: don't need to be so worry. may be the examiner feel you play songs and scale well , and hope you get a higher mark
參考: me, i am a piano teacher

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