Typo in the subject line

2011-05-03 9:31 pm
Hi everyone,
I was communicating with my new manager via email about the new job. However when I reply the email, the auto correct made a mistake on the company name on the subjuct line of the email. I did not realized before I sent it out. Should I email the manager again to explain, or it is not really a big deal? Please help! Thank you very much!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2011-05-04 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
我溝通我新的經理,通過電子郵件,對於這份新的工作。但是當我回復電子郵件,正確的自動電子郵件的主題行上的公司名稱上犯了錯誤。我沒有意識到之前,我把它送。應電子郵件管理器,再次作出解釋,或實際上並不是什麼稀奇事嗎?請説明 !謝謝!!!!!!!
2011-05-04 8:45 am
I believe the wrongly stated company name is your client's company name, and client is always the most important. if I were you, I would send a brief note on top of that email to my manager about the overlooking of what the auto correction function has done and promise to pay particular attention thereafter.

hope this help, and good luck!

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