do all americans speak english the same way?

2011-05-02 3:17 pm
im from china, i noticed that almost every american -- im referring local americans, not those new immigrants from all over the world --- speaks english the same, unlike countries in china, i mean, yes, we do have a standard of pronunciation of our mother tongue but people's accents from different regions differ a lot and even of the vocabulary and grammer, like the difference between cantonese and mandarin, they are almost two languages but both written in chinese characters. so maybe there are tiny differences in the states, but how? i'd like to know about them
thank you

sorry, not countries in china, in china it is, a typo

回答 (10)

2011-05-02 3:29 pm
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Well.. no we don't all speak the same. Depending on where you are from will depend on how you talk. Like I am from the south (Louisiana). Down here we say things like "y'all (you all)" "jeet yet (did you eat yet)" "gonna (going to)" "fixin to (about to)". Nobody else in America uses those words except us here in the southern states. Even in the very southern tip of Louisiana they speak cajun french, which isn't even french either. It just has some french words in it along with a bunch of their own words.

People speak differently depending on where in America they live. That is mainly due to the majority of people who settled that area. Like the midwest and mid northern sates were mainly settled by Germans so they speak different that the people in the Northeast which was mainly inhabited by the english, Italians, and any other races depending on where in the Northeast you are. People in the southwest speak differently because it was mainly settled by hispanic cultures. Even California has it's own style of speech, just because they felt like it really. So as you might can see the language here in America varies widely depending on where you are here. I really hope this helps. I could have gone on for hours on this subject, but I didn't want this to be too long.
2011-05-02 3:19 pm
The most recognizable accents are southern, New York and Boston. There is also an upper midwest accent you hear from people from Wisconsin and Minnesota.

But, I'm no expert - I'm giving a very quick overview.
2016-04-30 11:51 am
English- it IS English- just a different dialect. Not unlike the differences in language usage found throughout the United States itself. Example- some say couch- some sofa- some divan. Maybe the differences between American English and English English are more pronounced, but I still think it is within that same realm.
2011-05-02 7:11 pm
No. People from different states speak differently. There are northern accents, southern accents, Brooklyn accents, Chicago, accents, Black accents, White accents, and on and on and on
2011-05-02 3:36 pm
You've obviously watched too much American TV/Films. For some strange reason people outside the US think we all sound/speak the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The strange thing is the people who think this the most are the English. THEY truly believe everyone speaks as they do on The Simpsons. And I've never understood why foreigners all think we've all been to Disney World. ???????
2011-05-02 3:24 pm
People in the south speak much differently then the people in West. People in the north east speak different too. I don't think they are major differences. I'm from the west and we are supposed to say "I'm going to" but we mostly say I'm gunna" Where people in the south say "I'm fixting to" Then there was even a slang on that "I'm finna to" There are lots of little differences different accents and different words. But we can understand each other as long as we're speaking English. Not like trying to decipher English the way the Irish talk, Or some Scottish for that matter, I have a difficult time understanding them even though my Grandmother was Scottish.
2011-05-02 3:23 pm
I don't think there's as much variation in American English as there is in some other languages, but we still have several different accents. Most of our words are the same, but some specific things have regional names. Tennis shoes/Sneakers, Soda/Pop, Water fountain/Drinking fountain/Bubbler, etc.
2011-05-02 3:21 pm
We have one language, per se. However, in different regions of the US, people use different words to describe the same thing. For instance, in some areas women carry a handbag or a purse or a pocketbook. It is the same, but the words used are different. Another example may be a hallway versus a corridor; or a soda versus a pop (a soft drink). Basiscally it comes down to where you live and what the local vocabulary or slang is for that region.
2011-05-02 3:21 pm
No, there are different dialects and accents. People from the south usually have an accent, people in states such as Wisconsin and Michigan(upper peninsula) have a Canadian accent, and people in New England usually have an accent.
2011-05-02 3:18 pm

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