when you hear the word "turtles" you think of?

2011-05-02 11:11 am
Just curious .

回答 (11)

2011-05-02 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
2011-05-02 6:12 pm
Teenage Mutant Ninja
2011-05-02 6:12 pm
參考: Professorial Turtle Enthusiast
2011-05-02 8:31 pm
Hmmmm... I think of .... A baby turtle I used to have named Lucky :p
2011-05-02 7:46 pm
maybe its juz me, but i would probably think of turtles
2011-05-02 7:03 pm
The mock turtle in Alice in wonderland
2011-05-02 6:12 pm
Now give me some fin, noggin, duuuude
參考: Nemo!!!
2011-05-02 6:11 pm
Personally I think of turtles. Big brown ones basking in the Caribbean Sea on a hot day.
2011-05-02 6:11 pm
some little green creatures that walk around veerryyy slow.
2011-05-02 6:21 pm
My friend's baby turtle Elizabeth Darlene

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