
2011-05-03 6:59 am
why 會自動變左靜音,而且個P鍵又按不到,還有好多

回答 (2)

2011-05-08 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

Your keyboard is too old so it has functional problems. Like a human, when the age increases, its physical abilities will be reduced continuously until he/she is unable to work further.

Your keyboard has similar situations. The only solution is buy a new keyboard to replace it, and then all problems above will be solved immediately. It is not worth spending much time to analyze its possible reasons of failure. It can be many unknown problems. Simply change it for proper and smooth functions.

Hope I can help you.
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-05-06 4:10 am
一係壞keyboard 一係set 左野...

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