英文作文 My Best Friend 250字 20點

2011-05-03 5:13 am
急急急急急!!英文作文 My Best Friend 250字聽日交!!!!快快快,有20點

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2011-05-13 4:14 am
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My Best Friend

Everyone must got somebody who you can trust, to talk with when feeling sad, or even share secrets. I got someone who shares the same interest with me, sharing secrets and comfort me when I was sad. She got a pair of charming and sparkling eyes, those eyes always look at me with care. They are always full of kindness. Yes, she is my best friend, Mary.
I remembered that when I met her, I was crying alone in the empty classroom. I was frustrated as I just got my test result, I failed the test. At that moment, my heart was full of despair and sadness. However, Mary was the one who stayed there silently to comfort me. From that time onwards, we became best friends because we had the same goal, we comfort and support each other sincerely. We both loved to play basketball and that was the goal in which we had to join the basketball team in school.
I am sure that Mary is an important friend in my life, who will be my forever and everlasting best friend.
2011-05-05 4:39 am
My Best friend is Rose.She had long hair,small eyes,small nose,small ears and small mouth.She was taller than me.We first met at the class 2D.At that time,we were not best friend.We just smile and say hello to each other when we met.At the class 3A,at recess,we chatted together.We also did homework together.At lunchtime,after we have finished eating our lunch,we played chess together.At the class 4D,we exchanged our teaphone number.

2011-05-04 20:46:51 補充:
We have became best friend from that day on.One day,we went to the school picnic.I have barbacue with her.Also,we played games together,too.In the class 5D,we worked hard for the examination,at 6D class also.At the graducation ceremony,I suddenly felt very sad.I have to leave her.I miss herverymuch.

2011-05-04 20:47:00 補充:
I miss her very much.She said she had a cousin,was also the Brownies of my team.We went to the different school.At last,she gave me a present.That was her photo.We can still met each other in the morning but we just say "hi".
2011-05-06 4:26 am
My Best friend is Carol.She had long hair,browneyes,small nose,small ears and small mouth.She was taller than me.She was very nice ,helpful and patiently to every people.We first met at the1c classroom .At that time,we were not best friend.We just smile and say hello to each other when we met.At the class 3A,at recess,we chatted together.We knew we have the same hobbies that is we can become a reason among them of the friend.We also did homework together.At lunchtime,after we have finished eating our lunch,we played chess and badminton together.At the class 4D,we exchanged our teaphone number. We have became best friend from that day on.One day,we went to the school picnic.I have barbacue with her.Also,we played games together too.In the class 5D,we worked hard for the examination,at 6D class also.At the graducation ceremony,I suddenly felt very sad.I have to leave her.I miss herverymuch. I miss her very much.She said she had a cousin,was also the Brownies of my team.We went to the different school.
At last,she gave me a present.That was her photo.We can still met each other .I very honoured to become her friend.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:42:36
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