
2011-05-02 8:02 pm

回答 (3)

2011-05-03 12:03 am
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gale e.g. a force-10 gale overcast (means cloudy) scorching e.g. ‘the scorching sun ’ (very hot sun beating down) gust gusty blustery whirlwind cyclone, cyclonic blizzard typhoon hurricane monsoon tornado twister calima hot winds near the Sahara with dusty sand close close weather means hot and stuffy clammy ( a term meaning very humid and sticky) muggy (stuffy and hot) chilly a hot spell a cold snap a heat wave dew, dewy frost, frosty snow drift slush, slushy (when snow melts, it’s all slushy) sleet hail hailstone flood flash-flood deluge tsunami brass monkey weather ( brass monkey’s - British slang for freezing cold weather)http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/brass-monkey-weather
參考: me
2011-05-02 11:21 pm
You have almost all the adjectives for weather.

You need to make a complete sentence

Today is warm and sunny
There will be sunshine with patches of showers.
The weather is humid and wet.
It is dirzzing outside so please take an umbrella with me when you go out.
2011-05-02 10:11 pm
還有bright, windy, gasty(有陣陣强風的), snowy, 及英國人慣說的 chilly(陰凍),
stuffy(翳/悶熱) 等。

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