what is Data mining ?

2011-05-02 6:41 am
Data mining is usually defined as searching, analyzing and sifting through large amounts of data to find relationships, patterns, or any significant statistical correlations. With the advent of computers, large databases and the internet, it is easier than ever to collect millions, billions and even trillions of pieces of data that can then be systematically analyzed to help look for relationships and to seek solutions to difficult problems. Besides governmental uses, many marketers use data mining to find strong consumer patterns and relationships. Large organizations and educational institutions also data mine to find significant correlations that can enhance our society.

回答 (4)

2011-05-05 11:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Data mining is a process wherein data is analyzed and summarized to make it useful for a particular business.
2011-05-04 11:24 pm
Data mining is a process wherein data is analyzed from the collected data and summarized to make it useful for a particular business.
2011-05-02 7:25 pm
It seems to me that your question answers itself a lot more effectively than I might have managed.
One of the problems with data mining is that the people whose data is being mined are not consulted, and are often unaware that their personal data are being used. This raises issues of invasion of privacy, and government departments in some countries are starting to establish means to prevent unauthorized data mining of personal data.
2011-05-02 5:13 pm
Data mining is just a term to say when you carefully analyze vast amount of data and look for the statistical information you want.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:58:10
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