Answer this question 6÷2(1+2)= ?

2011-05-01 5:52 pm
According to me it is 9
I f we simplify it we get
6/2= 3,
1+2=3 so

but many seem to believe the answer is 1 because
6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 6/6 =1

can someone tell am i right or not????

回答 (11)

2011-05-02 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's 9.

I learned it by BEDMAS.

So brackets 1st , 1 + 2 = 3
division: 6 / 2 = 3
multiplication: 3 x 3 = 9

2011-05-01 6:21 pm
Remember BIDMAS.

So first, because (1+2) is in brackets, we complete that first
so 1+2=3.
Then, 6/2 = 3
Because this was outside the brackets without a symbol connecting it with the brackets we know that it is going to be multiplied with (1+2) = 3.
so 3*3= 9
and that is the answer.

Hope that helped x
2016-10-01 10:54 am
x^2 - 2x + 6x - 12 = 21 x^2 + 4x - 33 = 0 x = (-4 +/- sqrt(sixteen + 132)) / 2 x = (-4 +/- sqrt(148)) / 2 x = (-4 +/- 2 * sqrt(37)) / 2 x = (-2 +/- sqrt(37)) (a million/2) * x^2 + 5x = a million/2 x^2 + 10x = a million x^2 + 10x - a million = 0 x = (-10 +/- sqrt(one hundred + 4)) / 2 x = (-10 +/- 2 * sqrt(26)) / 2 x = -5 +/- sqrt(26) (-a million/4) * x^2 = 4x - 3 0 = (a million/4) * x^2 + 4x - 3 0 = x^2 + 16x - 12 x = (-sixteen +/- sqrt(256 + 40 8)) / 2 x = (-sixteen +/- 4 * sqrt(sixteen + 3)) / 2 x = -8 +/- 2 * sqrt(19)
2011-05-01 7:34 pm
2011-05-01 6:08 pm
6/2*3 -----First do parthenese
3*3 ---- Next division as you go from left to right when division and multiplication are the only operators left if it helps imagine 6/2*3 as 6* 1/2* 3
參考: PE(MD)(AS) Where MD and AS are equal operators to be done left to right
2011-05-01 6:05 pm
The answer is 9 of coz

6/2 x (3)
= 18÷2
= 9

The answer is 1 if the question is 6÷2 ÷ (1+2)
2011-05-01 6:01 pm
what you do is remember PEMDAS (Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction- from left to right, of course)
The first of your operations is right because it goes like this:
you do multiplication/division from left to right, so yes you are correct
2011-05-01 6:00 pm
It's 9. Definitely. Because you do 1+2 first which equals 3, then 6÷2 which is also 3.
BUT you do not divide the two 3's, you times them which is nine.
You do this because any time an equation/number is in parenthesis next to another equation/number outside of the parenthesis, you times them. Such as 5(10+5)
5x15= 75.
參考: I'm a freshmen and in algebra :D
2011-05-01 5:55 pm
the answer is 9
thing of BODMAS.
brackets of first, division second, mutiplication third, addition fourth, subrtraction last

therefore, u do (1+2) first, then 6/2, then times them together
what a simple question...
2011-05-01 5:54 pm
Its 9

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