Is there any grammatical difference between these 2 sentences?

2011-05-01 4:42 pm
1) English afternoon tea TO BE FOLLOWED by a West End Matinee.
2) English afternoon tea FOLLOWED by a West End Matinee.

Could anyone help explain it to me?

Many thanks in advance.

回答 (3)

2011-05-01 4:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The second sentence is missing "TO".
2011-05-01 5:00 pm
neither is a sentence. in the first, you are using an implied future tense (is to be) rather than a direct future sense in the second (will be followed). Both phrases have an understood verb, a form of the verb to be. ("is" in the first "will be" in the second)
2011-05-01 4:51 pm
1. Should be 'will be followed' instead of 'to be followed'.

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