can someone give me some incentive to revise and do my coursework?

2011-05-01 2:27 pm
i really just... can't be bothered to do it.. it's important because i want to do well.. can someone persuade me to go and do it?

回答 (7)

2011-05-01 2:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well if you think about it, of you don't do it then you'll not get the grades you need for a certain job or career you want to persue, it'll pay off in the long run.
參考: Me
2011-05-01 9:29 pm
Think of the consequences if you don't do well.
2011-05-01 9:29 pm

Do well, study and then pass OR become an idle bum on the dole without prospects or a future.

End of story - you make it or you don't............your choice
2011-05-01 9:32 pm
you'll end up doing a job you hate all your life!!!
2011-05-01 9:29 pm
Get off the computer and go do your coursework so you actually get good grades.
參考: Im about to do the same.
2011-05-01 9:30 pm
Do you really want to be looked down upon by the Tax Payer and have a **** lifestyle living on benefits? Or do you want to be one of those people with a luxury lifestyle?

1) Work out what learning style you are:

2) Google search for some revision tips in which ever learning style.
2011-05-01 9:28 pm
If u don't you will end up a road sweeper

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