Can anyone explain how to translate this into standard categorical syllogism?

2011-05-01 2:09 pm
"There are public schools that teach secular humanism. Therefore, since
secular humanism is a religion, there are public schools that teach religion."

Extremely frustrated...
The first line should be" Some public schools are schools that teaches secular humanism."
But translating the second line into " All schools that teaches secular humansism are schools that teach religion" is wrong!

Please i need help!

回答 (2)

2011-05-01 3:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Look first we look at how the word religion is defined. Religion is a set of believes concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. So in a way secular humanism is actually a religion. Not all religious beliefs inspire worship. so even though secular humanism is a anti-religious world view it is still a believe
2011-05-01 4:02 pm
1) Some public schools teach secular humanism
2) Secular humanism is a religion
3) Therefore, some public schools teach religion

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