Will an increase in demand lead to an increase in supply directly?

2011-05-01 10:56 am
Will an increase in demand lead to an increase in supply directly?

Suppose there are more people eating beef. Will the supplier increase the output of beef due to the increase in demand for beef?

回答 (4)

2011-05-01 11:01 am
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generally an increase in demand will lead to an increase in price to counteract this increase.(law of demand/supply)

it does depend on the type of good that your talking about and also on the type of market
2011-05-01 7:24 pm
There's a time lag before supply can be increased- depends on the product - but in the short term an increase in demand without a corresponding increase in supply will result in a price increase.
2011-05-01 6:31 pm
There might be an increase in the supply slowly but the immediate change due to an increase in the demand would be an increase in the price of the product.
2011-05-02 11:54 am
Yes it will. because if the demands are met the supply will increase which will lead to more jobs. It,s a win win for all.
參考: old math class? if I remember right

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