what is 貧苦懸殊 in english?

2011-05-02 7:32 am
貧苦懸殊 in english

回答 (3)

2011-05-03 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
貧富懸殊 (Note : There is no 貧苦懸殊.)

If you mean 貧富懸殊, in English it can be:

The disparity between the rich and the poor is great.
The gap between the rich and poor is wide.

A wide wealth gap
A great wealth disparity

2011-05-03 11:10 am
Wealth disparity between rich and poor is startling (or alarming)

Wealth gap between rich and poor has widened
~ found in the newspaper, The Standard (英文虎報)

如果要寫一句子, 長少少.意味貧富懸殊極端:

Hong Kong presents a picture of drastic poverty amid affluence, an extremity of contrast unknown in other industrial nations.

2011-05-02 8:35 am
Disparity between the rich and the poor
參考: myself

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