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What am I ? I have the longest neck in the world.What has black and white stripes and looks like a horse?What am I ? I have black and white stripes and people walk all over me?What invention lets you look through a wall?What has 4 legs and sleeps with shoes on?What has 4 legs but cannot walk?When is a door not a door?What is full of holes, but holds a lot of water?What looks like an elephant but weighs nothing? How many apples can you put in a large empty box? What does the sea say to the beach?What am I? My name has only 2 words but hundreds and thousands of letters.
A giraffeA zebraA zebra crossing A windowA horseA tableWhen it’s ajarA spongeAn elephant’s shadow One. After that it's not empty anymore. It says nothing, only waves. Post Office