
2011-05-02 3:06 am

要學好英文,有什麼特別方法 !?

回答 (4)

2011-05-02 1:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Focus on your English - most of the students from Hong Kong will end up in community college anyway.

2. Not really - but it takes time.

3. There is nothing you can really do - as you don't English every day. Personally, I think Wall Street Institute type of school is a waste of money. But if you think it helps, you can try.

4. Use it.

2011-05-02 18:10:46 補充:
1. The U.S. has a full subject education system - in other word, students learn everything.

There is no such thing as sciences or arts in the U.S.

2011-05-02 18:12:46 補充:
2. To be honest, it is easier to be a RN in the U.S. than getting a Bachelor of Nursing (or related degree). At this moment, I will focus on working on your English now - as it is too early to tell (as by the time you get the RN, it may be 10 years later already - and everything changes).

2011-05-04 11:25:07 補充:
It is really difficult to say until you experience it. But in most of the cases, less stress and more time (since there is nothing for you to do).
2011-05-12 6:35 am
你可去港學中心嗰網 http://konghot.com
希望幫到你喇 ! =]
2011-05-05 10:51 am
1) 如打算到美國留學,要注意什麼!?
a) 要注意簽student visa(http://www.hotcourses.hk/study-in-usa/study-guide/usa-visa), fee(學費+住宿+生活費), 選校選科ge野-有D學校係要讀較長時間.....
2) 英文較差,到了大學才學會太遲嗎!?
a) 好難講, 但可以到時學/ 讀d英文班. or 讀 foundation 先
3) 英文的發音還可以,但詞彙不夠高級,
a) 同多D外國人溝通, 到外國時一路生活/識應一路學係會好D. 盡量同外國人玩.
要學好英文,有什麼特別方法 !?
a) 可參考http://www.hotcourses.hk/blog/language/tips-to-improve-your-english
多睇書, 多用英文, ng好怕講怕犯錯. 用得多講得多就會有進步.
2011-05-02 1:09 pm
1) you have to pay attention on few things before going to study in the USA

- secondary school transcript (community colleges/universities in US requires form 6/grade 12 transcript as one of the requirement)

- TOEFL results (You should prepare the TOEFL exam and take the TOEFL exam half year to one year before you apply the school)

- Financial support (studying and living in US are expensive. Therefore you have to make sure you can financially support the tuition and living expenses.)

- Student visa (Same as other countries. Student visa is required to study abroad in US, thus you need to apply the student visa before you are allowed to purchase the aeroplane ticket)

2) Yes. My advice is you should start learning and improving English from now on. To learn English effectively, I would suggest you take English courses in Kaplan. They have excellent English programme. Also, they will teach you American English, which gives you more preparation to study in US

3) There is no school teaching American slang. To learn American slang, you could check it online or purchase American slang dictionary in bookstores

4) There is no special way to learn English. But to me, I read English newspaper (eg, South China Morning Post, The Standard (It is free !!)), watch more English movies if you want to improve your listening skills and learn American Slang.

hope these can help you
參考: myself + living experience in US

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