200%緊急!!!20分) 中譯英

2011-05-01 6:14 pm
試說明下事件會如何影響GDP平減指數和CPI: i. 香港出口商品價格大幅上升) ii. 香港進口商品價格大幅下降 試以圖形輔助,解釋以下事件如何影響可貸資金市場的均衡、國民儲蓄及總投資支出: i. 政府限制實質利率高於均衡水平。 ii. 市民預期來年工資將會大幅上升

b. 第一銀行持有20億元的存款,除了法定要求的8%存款儲備率外,該銀行還保留存款總額之5%作為超額儲備。 i. 列出該銀行的T字賬。 ii. 假設中央銀行將法定儲備率增加至10% ,而所有銀行決定不再保留任何超額儲備。當某大客戶把1億元現金存入於第一銀行開立的戶口時,整個經濟體系的貨幣供應會增加多少? c. 倘若每家銀行都保留5%的超額儲備,這對銀行乘數及貨幣創造有何影響? d. 根據凱恩斯貨幣需求理論,當收入上升時,人們對貨幣的需求會有何變化?試輔以圖形作答

回答 (1)

2011-05-01 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try to explain how the event will affect the GDP deflator and CPI:i. export commodity prices surged in Hong Kong) II. Sharp drop in the prices of imported goods of Hong Kong tried to graphic-assisted, explain how events affect the loanable funds market balance, national savings and investment spending: I. Government restricted real interest rates higher than the equilibrium level. II. the public expected significant increase in wages for the coming year will
B. first bank deposits of $ 2 billion, in addition to statutory requirements of 8% deposit reserve rate, the Bank also reserved deposits of 5% as excess reserves. I. list the t-Word account of the Bank. II. assumes that the Central Bank to increase the statutory reserve rate to 10%, and all the banks decided not to retain any excess reserves. When a customer $ 100 million cash deposit at the time of first bank opening of accounts, money supply as the number of the entire economic system? C. If every bank reserve 5% of excess reserves, the Bank multiplier effects and money creation? D. According to the theory of Keynes's monetary needs, when income rises, people demand for currency is what will change? Try supplemented by graphic answer
參考: bing

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 23:08:27
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