
2011-05-01 9:53 am
1. What is the difference __________the two textbooks?
2. She drove the bus ________ the wrong direction.
3. It takes a long time_______ go________Sheung Shui to Wan Chai.
4. The animal with a long nose is an elephant.
5. The rich man gives _______a lot of money ________ different charities.
6. We are indeed grateful _______ you.
7. It is ________ the school rules to bring telephone _______ school.
8. You have made many mistakes. Go _______the exercise again.
9. They have joined the choir _________ Easter.
10. Come _______ with your brother______my party tonight.
11. We shall come ________ to your house _______ dinner.
12. We can see ourselves_______means of a mirror.
13. Alice woke _______from a terrible dream and cried loudly.
14. The ring is special made ________you.
15. The magician changed the flowers_______ pigeons.

回答 (3)

2011-05-09 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What is the difference between the two textbooks?
2. She drove the bus in the wrong direction.
3. It takes a long time to go from Sheung Shui to Wan Chai.
4. The animal with a long nose is an elephant.
5. The rich man gives up a lot of money to different charities.
6. We are indeed grateful to you.
7. It is against the school rules to bring telephone to school.
8. You have made many mistakes. Go over the exercise again.
9. They have joined the choir in Easter.
10. Come along with your brother in my party tonight.
11. We shall come round to your house after dinner.
12. We can see ourselves in means of a mirror.
13. Alice woke up from a terrible dream and cried loudly.
14. The ring is special made for you.
15. The magician changed the flowers into pigeons.


2011-05-08 20:11:43 補充:
12. We can see ourselves BY means of a mirror.
參考: 自己
2011-05-01 6:33 pm
1) between.
2) in;
3) to-----from;
5) away -----to;
6) to;
7) of-------to;
8) through
9) during;
10) on ----to;
11) in----before;
12) by;
13) up;
14) for;
15) into;
2011-05-01 11:51 am
1. What is the difference between the two textbooks?
2. She drove the bus in the wrong direction.
3. It takes a long time to go from Sheung Shui to Wan Chai.
4. The animal with a long nose is an elephant.
5. The rich man gives away a lot of money to different charities.
6. We are indeed grateful to you.
7. It is against the school rules to bring telephone to school.
8. You have made many mistakes. Go over the exercise again.
9. They have joined the choir for Easter.
10. Come along with your brother to my party tonight.
11. We shall come over to your house for dinner.
12. We can see ourselves by means of a mirror.
13. Alice woke up from a terrible dream and cried loudly.
14. The ring is special made for you.
15. The magician changed the flowers to pigeons.
參考: me

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