
2011-05-01 12:18 am
呢幾個地方都想去:澳洲(gold coast),加拿大,英國,紐西蘭,愛爾蘭
咁邊個地方好d?同埋英國既北愛爾蘭同愛爾蘭 有無分別?
英國係唔係一定要讀phy chem bio?
想問下一年要幾錢(港紙 )?要計埋生活費,學費,住宿費等 ~
住宿方面,宿舍 還是寄住家庭 比較好?
我e家f.3~334學制 ,咁過到外國係唔係要讀多年?英國好似有f.7
我媽媽係公務員 ,係唔係只有去英國 先有得資助?



咁我諗住返hk升u既.. 我又唔諗住係uk讀英文.. 咁返到香港係唔係要考IELTS? 要幾時考? 同埋難唔難架?

回答 (2)

2011-05-02 12:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, to answer you question, what is the definition of 好d?

1) if you are talking about whether, australia and new zealand definitely has a better weather; Summer season in UK and Ireland are hot and humid, and their winter season is snowy and sometimes rainy; Whether in Canada is mainly cold and snowy

2) if you are talking about English language, UK has the best English language education. Also, since education in Hong kong are UK-based, so it should be easier for Hong Kong students. Canada's English is mainly influenced by American English.

Yes, there is a difference between Ireland and North Ireland. Ireland is not under United Kingdom. It is an individual country. Ireland is one of the countries (England, Scotland, Wales, North Ireland) of UK.

Yes, in order to take UKAL, you are required to take phy, chem, bio

If majoring veterinarian, there is no particular country it is better. But in terms of popularity of studying veterinarian, most students prefer studying in USA

If majoring design, either both UK and US have great programme

It depends on which country you want to go. Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia are cheaper, Canada is in the medium, UK and US are expensive

If you just arrive the place, I would suggest you living with local families because you are unfamiliar with that place. The local families can help you to adapt the lifestyle. If you start feeling that you are familiar with that area, you can live dormitories

Yes, you have to study one more year in UK before taking UKAL. Yes you only receive subsidies if you want to study in UK.

2011-05-03 15:49:28 補充:
it is hard to say which countries have more friendly friends. But in terms of communication skills, UK would be slightly better since we are learning British English in HK.
2011-05-03 2:30 am
呢幾個地方都想去:澳洲(gold coast),加拿大,英國,紐西蘭,愛爾蘭
Goldcost there, only 2 universities: Bond university and Griffith University.
Canada: Good choice
UK: Traditional, highly recognized
New Zealand: Cheap option
Ireland: Better choosing England then Ireland

咁邊個地方好d?同埋英國既北愛爾蘭同愛爾蘭 有無分別?
Better studying in England rather than Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales.

英國係唔係一定要讀phy chem bio?
Depends on which A- Levels subjects you are interested. The most important factor is about your interested major in university.

For Vet: Australia and UK
For Design: UK and other European countries (Italy)

想問下一年要幾錢(港紙 )?要計埋生活費,學費,住宿費等 ~
Australia: HK$ 250,000 per year
UK: HK$ 250, 000 - 300, 000 per year

住宿方面,宿舍 還是寄住家庭 比較好?
Homestay is better for new comer to a country with better English speaking opportunities

我e家f.3~334學制 ,咁過到外國係唔係要讀多年?英國好似有f.7
Australia: Year 10, 11, 12, 3 years university
UK: GCSE 9F.4- F.5) then A- Levels, 3 years university

我媽媽係公務員 ,係唔係只有去英國 先有得資助?
Yes, only in UK

International Exchange Academy (IEA)
Tel: 3488 6243

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