求職信中文轉英文.幫下手 15分..

2011-04-30 8:15 pm
敬啟者:本人從招職得悉 貴公司招聘文員,本人特備函申請此空缺。本人現年十八歲,二零一零年畢業於XXX中學完成中五課程。有一定的基本電腦知識,中文打字速度一分鐘約三十五個字。本人一向對文員工作有興趣,倘若有機會加入 貴公司服務,定必盡力工作及相信很快可投入工作環境,貢獻所長。隨函附上詳細履歷表一份,敬希賜予面試機會。祝工作愉快

回答 (1)

2011-05-01 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sirs:

I heard that you are from Recruit recruitment clerk, I desire to apply for this vacancy.
I am now eighteen years old, in 2010 graduated from high school secondary school XXX. Have some basic computer knowledge, Chinese typing speed of about thirty five words a minute.
I have always been interested in clerical work, if the opportunity to join your company, will certainly try to work and will soon be put into the work environment and contribute their expertise.
Please find enclosed a detailed curriculum vitae, giving hope King interview.
I wish a happy work

The applicant would like the XXX
Attachment: Resume 聆聽以拼音方式閱讀 字典
參考: me

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