
2011-04-29 7:47 pm
Buck hurried toward the camp of John Thornton. He longed to see his friend again. Buck had been away from the camp for days. Buck crested the hill and saw the camp below. He could not believe his eyes. The camp was a wreck. Everything around him was silent. The birds did not even sing. Rabbits and squirrels hid in their burrows. Buck raced to Thornton. Buck would never leave Thornton's side again. Months later Buck invited his wild friends into the camp. They were welcomed by Thornton, but Buck would never leave Thornton's side again.

回答 (1)

2011-04-29 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Grammar is ok, but lacks background information for catching the theme. Probably the passage is extracted from a story book out of context.

2011-04-29 17:46:13 補充:
Apology for mistake: 'essay' not 'passage'

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