
2011-04-29 5:57 pm
我想買i pod還是i phone好?

回答 (2)

2011-04-29 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我就覺得i-pod會好D,因為i-pod可以聽歌,玩遊戲同睇片 而i-phone好貴la,你買比自己都唔會買比人la!!!(我認為)尼D只係個人意見!不過我建議你買i-pod比佢,都只係千幾蚊姐!i-phone要5-6千幾,太貴!!!你自己睇下點la~希望幫到你!!
參考: 我自己
2011-04-29 6:29 pm
ipod is better. iphone is expensive and iphone 4's designing isn't very good(personally). ipod is small and handy. Especially for girls, they can use it for playing games. ipod 4 is better with a camera. iPod is much better unless she is 20 age above.

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