
2011-04-30 5:02 am
right breast mass
pathological diagnosis:
Soft tessue,right brcast,excision biopsy-----Sclcrosing adenosis
grosss finding:
Received in formalin is a specimen labeled with patient's name and chart
number, The specimen consists of one small piece of yellow soft tissue,
labelled from right breast mass,measuring 3.1*3.0*2.2cm.
Representative sections are submitted in 1 block.
microscopical finding:
Sections show a picture of small sclerosing adenosis with glandular
epithelial hyperplasia and presence of myoepithelial cells,lobular adenosil
and fibrous proliferation and hyaline change.Foci of glandular structures
form irregularly sized slit spaces which are lined by cuboid epithelial cells
and microcalcification present.No stromal invasion,tumor necrosis or
cellular pleomorphism are identified.

回答 (2)

2011-04-30 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
對乳腺腫塊病理診斷:軟 tessue、 右 brcast、 切除活檢----Sclcrosing 腺病grosss 發現:收到的甲醛是標本標有病人的名稱和圖表一小塊的黃色軟組織號標本包括標籤從右乳腺腫塊,測量 3.1 * 3.0 * 2.2 釐米。代表部分提交 1 塊中。顯微發現:部分顯示了小硬化腺病與腺的圖片上皮增生和存在的肌上皮細胞、 小葉 adenosil纖維增殖和透明的變化。疫源地的腺的結構狹縫空格,兩旁的長方體的上皮細胞大小不規則表單與目前的微鈣化。無基質的入侵、 腫瘤壞死或細胞多型進行標識。
2011-04-30 5:06 am
右乳腺腫塊病理診斷:軟 tessue,右brcast,切除活檢 ----- Sclcrosing腺病grosss發現:收到的標本是在福爾馬林標有病人的名字和號碼圖表,標本由一小片黃色的軟組織,標記右乳房腫塊,測量 3.1 * 3.0 *2.2厘米。代表提交的第1塊。顯微鏡發現:部分顯示的圖片與小硬化性腺病及腺上皮細胞增生的肌​​上皮細胞的存在,小葉 adenosil和纖維增生和透明change.Foci腺結構的形式不定期狹縫空間大小是由長方體內襯上皮細胞和鈣化存在。無基質浸潤,腫瘤壞死或細胞異型性標識。
參考: 網站

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