Why do people laugh at me?

2011-04-28 2:23 pm
Whenever or wherever I go out, I often get laughed at. I'm almost sure it's because I got my lip pierced (medusa) and many people laugh, stare and say awkward things about me. I always act like I don't care or don;t hear them but it doesn't seem to work. I also remeber being laughed at before I got my piercing so it doesn;t seem to be the only reson. I'm generally a shy person and I'm not self-confident at all and I know this may be a reason, but how can people know it if I haven't even seen them or talk to them before? It really makes me upset sometimes. Like today, I was going back come by a bus and a group of guys were looking at me and saying ridiculous things, swearing and laughing at me. They even came closer to see me better and laughed more. I really don;t understand this. I know piercing is not a very common thing, especially medusa, but come on. Do people have to be so sassy? I'm adding a pic so you can see me. I don;t consider myself that uglybut because of situations like this I feel very uncomfortable with myself.. http://i52.tinypic.com/5ujoy9.jpg this is me.

sorry for mistakes, I was typing fast and English is not my native language.

回答 (11)

2011-04-28 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
:O You are gorgeous!

Honestly, those guys were probably laughing and swearing because they wanted your attention. Plus, guys are usualky jerks in big groups, so they can show off to their friends. Sure, the piercing is a little unusual, but it's your face and you can do what you want. Ignore the bitchy people, they probably just wish they were as pretty and original as you :)
2011-04-28 9:29 pm
You're very beautiful. Don't let stupid people bring you down. I like your piercing, also. It's unique and you don't see it very often. You can chat with me if you'd like at http://xat.com/TheFriendZone152
2011-04-28 9:27 pm
god knows why those stupids laugh at you. You are hot. I would pray to god to get a girlfriend like you. Just dont listen to them sweetie. Let those dogs bark
2011-04-28 9:26 pm
You sound like a funny girl, nice sense of humor and all - and some other people are just rude and ignorant. Ignore such behavior and have a nice life.
2011-04-28 9:56 pm
Hey you're super pretty, and I think why they laugh is that they think that it is a dirt from your nose?? or a small black spot(mole). I find it funny at first(Sorry). If you really like it then keep it, but i suggest put other piercing.
2011-04-28 9:26 pm
I cannot see the photo but that dosent mean your ugly everyone has something to be laughed at but sometimes its hard to find trust me i have a pimple problem
2011-04-28 9:39 pm
It's just one piercing? I was expecting your face to be full of piercings or something. I have no idea what they laugh about, you look good.
2011-04-28 9:38 pm
I can't imagine why anyone would laugh at you. You are a very pretty young girl. Unless it's the nose ring (which I don't think is that big a deal cause it doesn't detract from you), then I can't understand anyone having any reason to laugh or make jokes. I think they are probably just intimidated by you. Guys, immature ones), just don't know how to act around pretty girls. They act stupid and often try to make jokes to put themselves at east. Don't worry about other people or what they think. Try to be secure in yourself and know that you are what matters. Not rude insignificant people that don't matter in your life.
參考: OB nurse turned ER Nurse/ mom of 3
2011-04-28 9:34 pm
You are absolutely beautiful. The lip ring doesn't look gnarly to me. I used to be laughed at as well, and people would sneer at me and talk to themselves. They'd stare at me. I used to wear really weird clothes as if I were an anime character, and that's why they laughed at me. But if you're not trying to obviously make a fool out of yourself like I did, then there's nothing you can do about how people are going to behave. Maybe surprise the haters with a smile? Be your genuine self and wear the best thing you have that's not in your closet: a smile! Smiles are the most confident thing ever.
If you want, you can visit me on Youtube for advice and such, because that's why I'm on Youtube! www.youtube.com/hannahthescribe

Take care
2011-04-28 9:26 pm
Be yourself, and disregard what other people think of you.
U don't live to make them happy, u live to make yourself happy. hope this helps.

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