mother teresa

2011-04-29 5:53 am
mother teresa 的achievement是什麼?
她的interests是什麼?她的attitudes to live是.?
她的family status是?
why do you think she is a great person?what can you learn from her?(250words)
thx a lot~

回答 (2)

2011-04-29 6:44 am
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mother teresa 的achievement是什麼?

In 1962 won the Pandra Shri prize for "extraordinary services." received the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize in 1971. She was 69 years old.In 1979 received the Nobel Peace Prize "for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace."received an award called the John F. Kennedy International Award.received the Templeton Award for progress in religion.received the Jonaharlal Nehru Award.她的attitudes是.?
High-spirited, enthusiastic, and exuberant, Mother Teresa loves adventure, change and exploring new territory. Mother Teresa has a strong sense of restlessness and yearning for something greater than anything she has yet experienced, and she often lives in her dreams and visions for the future. Mother Teresa tends likes to keep moving, either literally or figuratively. Idealistic and optimistic, she always expects something better ahead. The possibility of discovering something new is what makes life interesting for her. Mother Teresa has great faith in life and she bounces back quickly from disappointment and failure. Freedom loving and independent, Mother Teresa cannot tolerate being caged in for very long, and friends and loved ones must respect her need for freedom of movement.
She is friendly and outgoing and has a great sense of fun and playfulness. She is also philosophically minded and often quite outspoken about her convictions and beliefs. She is often a big talker, a big maker of promises, and she is usually pretty convincing. She does everything in a big way, a generous way.

family status是?
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu(Teresa)'s father was named Kolë Bojaxhiu, her mother was named Dranafile Bojaxhiu, and her sibling's names were Aga (female), she was seven years older than Mother Teresa and Lazar (male), he was two years older than Mother Teresa.
Mother Teresa's parents had five children however only the three survived.

2011-04-29 6:49 am
加爾各答的德肋撒(拉丁語:Teresia de Calcutta,英語:Teresa of Calcutta,1910年8月26日-1997年9月5日)[1](天主教內中文又稱「德蘭」。天主教外中文出版物也有譯為「德蕾莎」、「泰瑞莎」、「特雷莎」、「德雷莎」、「特蕾莎」。),原名艾格尼絲·剛察·博亞丘(英語:Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu,女,著名天主教慈善工作家,主要替印度加爾各答的窮人服務,於1979年被授予諾貝爾和平獎。2003年10月,羅馬天主教會教宗若望·保祿二世把她列入天主教宣福名單。德肋撒修女也有「加爾各答的天使」的美譽。




[編輯] 捐款的去向

德肋撒修女的前僱員們及修女蘇珊·希爾茲(Susan Shields)稱,德肋撒修女不允許她們買醫療器械,而是將捐款轉入梵蒂岡銀行作為一般用途,即使捐贈者特別註明將捐款用於慈善活動。[6]



1971年,教宗保祿六世頒給德肋撒修女「教宗若望二十三世和平獎」;1975年阿爾伯特·史懷哲國際獎(Albert Schweitzer)也頒發給她;1985年美國總統自由勛章;1994年美國國會金獎;1996年11月16日美國名譽公民;還有許多大學的名譽學位。



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