
2011-04-28 9:50 am
I had already intervieuied our school principal.I was scared when I interviewed him.It was a rare chance.I am so happy the person of the School Campus TV charge give me this chance.I have more confidence and communication skills are improved.166In the future,I want to be a photographer because after I join the School Campus TV,I learned a lot of about photography.



回答 (3)

2011-04-28 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
除了文法的錯(例如:改為全用past tense以作記述)以外,篇幅的組織亦要考慮。我想按你中文解譯想講的東西先重組下表達的先後次序和內容關係,請你留意如何有層次和遞進地告訴讀者你的想法。


1. 先講出事件的背景-你代表學校的校園電視台訪問校長
2. 這個「電視台」工作過程中兩樣你所經歷的狀況和體會
2a. 你由害怕至自信
2b. 你學習到攝影技術
3. 你總結你的經歷往前看的目標。

其實你的英文用詞也ok,留心寫句子規格:subject(s.) - verb(v.) - object(o.),然後寫熟了才加上不同附屬句。按我的提議篇排,以下是英文 ( )的提示你句子的規格-不要當是句子一部份:

I was (v.-simple past tense) happy that the School Campus TV had given (v.-past perfect tense) me a chance to interivew our school Princial. Although I was scared (v.-past tense, passive voice) during the interview, I had gained (v.-past perfect tense) confinence and had improved (v.-past perect tense) my communication skills.[兩樣改善便可以用同格式的寫法] Since/After I joined (v.-simple past tense) the School Campus TV, I had learned (v.-past perfect tense) a lot about photography. Thus I wanted (v.-simple past tense) to be a photographer in the future.


2011-04-28 11:44 am
TV station 唔係 photographer 係 TV CAMERAMAN Photographer = 攝影師 TV Cameraman = 電視攝影師 I had already interviewed our school principal. I was scared apprehensive when I was interviewing him. It was a rare opportunity. I was so happy pleased that the person in charge of the School Campus TV gave me this chance. I think both my self-confidence and communication skills have improved. In future, I want would like to be a TV cameraman because I learned a lot about TV camera photography from this experience. ‘scared’ when you see a horror movie, may be ‘apprehensive’ is a better description when you talk to an important person.
參考: NO. 1
2011-04-28 11:25 am
I had already intervieuied our school principal.I was scared when I interviewed him.<你不如改成I had an interview with our school principal.I was scared during the process.我覺得會簡潔d.

I am so happy the person of the School Campus TV charge give me this chance. 應該係I was so happy because the person in charge of the School Campus TV gave me this chance.

I have more confidence and my communication skills are improved now.我加左個"my" & "now" 加my因為想表達清楚d,now係強調比起以前,現在個skill更得到改善.

I learned a lot of about photography.改成I have learned a lot about photography.因為依度唔洗加個of架喇,同埋我選擇用present perfect tense(I have learned)係因為你想表達你以前學左既野,到依家都有用,對你仲有影響,所以present perfect tense好suit你既處境...

2011-04-28 04:14:41 補充:
我上網搵埋一段in future & in the future既解釋俾你,我覺得002既回答用in future唔係太對。

In the future和in future看上去似乎一樣,都是指「在將來」,其實所表達的意思有分別。In the future是指「在將來」,而 in future的意思則是「從今以後」(from now on), 例如 "In future, please leave the window open."。這種分別在英國人中特別明顯,大家要格外小心。
參考: 個人英文知識+見解

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