What is an obsession with ice called?

2011-04-27 5:21 pm
I've always wondered. My sister has always liked the cold, chewing ice, anything involving it. Sure, obsession might not be the right word, but that's what she calls it. Anyone know a word for it?

回答 (5)

2011-04-27 5:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ice, Ice Baby...

Word to your mother.
2011-04-28 12:28 am
April chill?
2011-04-28 12:24 am
Ice Freak.
2011-04-28 12:46 am
There is no scientific term for the psychological obsession of ice. Obsession is compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.
2011-04-28 12:23 am
Ice craze
參考: Jollibee

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