How do i know if this is Enlightenment?

2011-04-27 9:20 am
After doing many years of self searching a revelation about My enlightenment made me rethink a lot of things But this one im asking about is my Question

U can always reach enlightenment again once you have found it. ?

by traditional Buddhism standards i have reached the state by 4th grade, which i find it Very hard to believe. my reason is a condition Concerning my Brain connection *; left me with overwhelming empathy and near boundless Joy at simple Humanity over insipid materialism, So whats left.
it occurred to me everything is a cycle chocked by more cycles

* A form of Autism called Aspergers Syndrome Named after the Doctor who wrote about it around 50 Years ago)

回答 (7)

2011-04-27 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Enlightenment is a result of developing wisdom.
In other words, someone who is enlightened does not need to ask around as he himself knows that he is 100% enlightened.
參考: Buddhism
2011-04-27 9:13 pm
Once one has become enlightened, you do not lose it, so it cannot be "reached again".

In a state of enlightenment, you are no longer driven by your aversions or your attachments, and that includes biological needs. If you are sick, you do not appear to be affected by being sick, for instance.

You sound as if you have some strong right-brain function, as you address the feelings of right-brain function.

My daughter has Asperger's Syndrome, and it is nothing like enlightenment. Are you on Clozaril too?
2011-04-27 4:31 pm
Enlightenment is knowing all,
If you are enlightened then you are always enlightened
A buddha has to get to the top of the mountain and then come down, you still have a way to go yet
you are right everything is a cycle with many cycles within cycles in different dimensions
2011-05-01 2:21 am
if your still here (in yahoo answers with all this desire) your not enlightened
2011-04-28 2:20 am
What is left is to stop thinking that you and your body/brain are the same thing. The statement "I got enlightenment" is technically not possible since enlightenment is the dissolution of this "I" figure that can get enlightenment. If there is no "I", then there can be no "I got this" either. Buddhism calls it Anatta. If you have not realized Anatta, then you have not got enlightenment. And if you say, "i got enlightenment" this statement pretty much proves that you have not realized Anatta.
2011-04-27 6:35 pm
When WITNESSING remains all the time of wakefulness and remaining seperate from Body (Movement), Mind (Thoughts), Heart (Feelings) is called the state of Enlightenment.
New desires & New Ego can not be formed after enlightenment but the pending desires and old ego will also reduce day by day with increasing sensitivity of heart, clarity of mind, stillness of body etc.
Keep in contact to [email protected] for secret of Enlightenment.
2011-04-27 4:34 pm
maybe you could ask those masters at buddhanet. my dharma teachers used to advise us abt proper meditation for some people who attain some achievement hv gone around declaring themselves a god or buddha. an enlightened person keeps rectitude, know the past, present & future, may make bodhisattva vows to reincarnate as dharma teachers to guide the masses & know the date when they wish to leave for nirvana

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