UKBrighton's Bellerbys College

2011-04-27 10:52 pm
I am going to study Foundation Program in Science in Bellerbys College in this September. I am staying in a 1 person room in the campus.

What do I need to bring?(Past study notes, blanket, pillow/ pillow case, iron, sippers....)
What not to bring?
Where can I buy my daily necessities?
Are there any clinic inside the school or near the school?
Is there a pharmancy near the school?
Is there a conveniwnt store in the school?
Are there any stationary shop or fax/scan shop inside the school?
What are the places that I need to know around Brighton?

回答 (1)

2011-04-28 8:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) What do I need to bring?(Past study notes, blanket, pillow/ pillow case, iron, sippers....)
>> 你要帶日用品, 如shower gel等, 因為係唔provide 既. 足夠既衫, 文具, 可以要埋床單既. lap top 係要既, 因為可以要交report. 仲要野食, 如零食丫, 即食面果一d. 因為英國冇得買hk既零食既.

2) What not to bring?
>> 如果你xmas 會番hk, 咁notes 果d其實可以唔駛帶, 因為行李已經唔係有咁多位嘛, 而notes 亦重.

3) Where can I buy my daily necessities?
>> 你果間college 唔係話離town 好遠, 係town centre 會有boots, 可以買到日用品, 但一開始最好自己帶一d過去會好d既. 因為第一次可能唔識去, 如果你想一去到就買, 可能唔係太得呢. 要搵路嘛=...=

4) Are there any clinic inside the school or near the school?
>> 你一去到學校, 學校會幫你REGISTER NHS, 係一個service 學生係會有既, 學校內會有nhs 既centre, 如果冇, 應該都會係學校附近, 咁你有咩事就可以去睇,(不過要reg左先)

5) Is there a pharmancy near the school?
>> boots 入面會有埋pharmacy既, 但係唔同hk, 英國既藥要有醫生紙先可以買到, 但一d normal 既藥, 如panadol果d就會有得賣既, 唔駛醫生紙, 怕既, 係hk買定一兩排panadol, 止屙丸去都可以.

6) Is there a conveniwnt store in the school?
>> town 入面應該會有tesco express 同sainsbury local, 佢地就係等於hk既ok同7仔, 當然你亦可以去大tesco 同大sainsbusy (即係大間d既), 咁入面可以買送咁既. local 既亦會有少少士多, 但果d就你自己去到個town explore 下了:)

7) Are there any stationary shop or fax/scan shop inside the school?
>> 學校入面會有既, depends 係咩學校啦, 有一d學校要收錢scan同print野既. 而stationary 最好係hk買過去, 因為uk style 唔同hk既, 你用開既筆, uk可能冇得賣. 而且亦會貴, 文具唔太重, 買多少少過去亦無妨.

8) What are the places that I need to know around Brighton?
>> brighton 出名既係佢既brighton pier 同beach, 你可以有空同朋友去下呢:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2011-04-30 01:28:14 補充:
好多時, 學校都唔prefer 你係房度用kettle 既, 你可以帶, 但可以係common room/kitchen 度用既.

2011-05-12 01:12:35 補充:
Yea... You can always email me with your questions:)
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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