The traffic jams ??

2011-04-27 1:07 pm
I got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams.

點解用 mother of all ( 解 : 嚴重的一次大 ) 是嗎? 好深呀??
如果我用 ...I got stuck in the traffic jams. 這樣便是普通塞車..是嗎?

回答 (4)

2011-04-27 2:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ‘mother of all traffic jams’ means the biggest, and the worst of all traffic jams. The mother of all traffic jams 是最犀利的大塞車 See origin of ‘The mother of all’ expressions.
2011-04-28 1:44 am
I deeply appreciate Jenkin kindness. thank you so mcuh..
2011-04-28 12:59 am
mother of all 這些便是英文諺語....Idiom. 用來形容一些特別野. 如
It rain like dogs and cats ..... 好大好大雨 中文會用...大雨到好像落狗屎

I got stuck in a traffic jams 是可以, 但形容到勁塞車便加d詞句.I got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams

I wait for a age ...... 等在一個世紀.....其實可以 .. I have been waiting for a long time......等

加個 age 便解作...好耐好耐.
2011-04-28 12:11 am

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