Heavy looking chair??

2011-04-27 7:46 am
Martin went for his usual jog in the park. On his way home, he saw his neighbour, Mr Chan, struggling with a rather heavy looking chair.

個looking 放在這裏有什麼作用??

回答 (3)

2011-04-27 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
heavy looking is an adjective phrase describing the chair

‘heavy looking chair’ means the chair looks heavy and it has the appearance of being heavy.
By saying ‘a heavy looking chair’, he cleverly avoids making a commitment about the true weight of the chair. If he says ‘It’s a heavy chair’ and it turns out that the chair is not heavy, then he would have made a mistake. Because he says ‘a heavy looking chair’, he can never be wrong. To him, the chair looks heavy - his personal opinion.
參考: me
2011-04-28 1:16 am
In answer 002, shouldn't it be ' He is an odd looking man.' instead of
' He is a odd looking man.' ?

2011-05-05 09:56:14 補充:
Answer 001 is comprehensive, literally, idiomatically and logically.
2011-04-28 12:18 am


She is a good looking lady.

He is a odd looking man.

This is a decious looking apple.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:38:40
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