
2011-04-27 4:36 am

回答 (3)

2011-04-27 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
由小說改編的電影作品斷背山 Brokeback Mountain (小說:Brokeback Mountain)
藝伎回憶錄 Memoirs of a Geisha (小說:Memoirs of a Geisha)
出竅情人 Just Like Heaven (小說:If Only It Were True)
浮華新世界 Vanity Fair (小說:Vanity Fair)
達文西密碼 Da Vinci Code (小說:The Da Vinci Code)
疑雲殺機 Constant Gardner (小說:The Constant Gardener)
沉靜的美國人 The Quiet American (小說:The Quiet American)
蘭花賊 Adaptation (小說:The Orchid Thief)
麥迪遜之橋 The Bridges of Madison County (小說:The Bridges of Madison County)
真愛無盡 Tuck Everlasting (小說:Tuck Everlasting)
愛情的盡頭 The End of the Affair (小說:The End of the Affair)
怒海爭鋒:極地征伐 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (小說:Master and Commander)
時時刻刻 The Hours (小說:The Hours)
黑色豪門企業 The Firm (小說:The Firm)
綠色奇蹟 The Green Mile (小說:The Green Mile)
與狼共舞 Dances With Wolves (小說:Dances with Wolves)
亂世佳人 Gone with the Wind (小說:Gone with the Wind)
決戰猩球 Planet of The Apes (小說:Planet of the Apes)
關鍵報告 Minority Report (小說: The Minority Report)
銀翼殺手 Blade Runner (小說:Blade Runner)
大法師 The Exorcist (小說:The Exorcist)
機械公敵 I, Robot (小說:I, Robot)
天搖地動 The Perfect Storm (小說:The Perfect Storm)
絕地計劃 A Simple Plan (小說:A Simple Plan)
恐懼的總和 The Sum of All Fears (小說:The Sum of All Fears)
夜訪吸血鬼 Interview With The Vampire (小說:Interview with the Vampire)
魔咒女王 Queen of the Damned (小說:Queen of the Damned)
辛德勒的名單 Schindler's list (小說:Schindler's List)
桃色交易 Indecent Proposal (小說:Indecent Proposal)
侏儸紀公園 Jurassic Park (小說:Jurassic Park)
魂斷威尼斯 Death in Venice (小說:Death in Venice)
刺激1995 The Shawshank Redemption (小說:Shawshank Redemption)
紅龍 Red Dragon (小說:Red Dragon)
沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (小說:The Silence of the Lambs)
人魔 Hannibal (小說:Hannibal)
2011-05-04 4:36 am
重有The Reader ar.

2011-05-03 20:39:31 補充:
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Last Song
Charlie St.Cloud(Novel: The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud)
Twilight Saga:Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
Remember Me
參考: me, me
2011-04-28 5:06 am
樓上講少左套p.s i love you :D=]
參考: 我

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