想請教一下which作為relative clause點用?

2011-04-26 5:54 am
1.我今日老師教我地,話which 既後面唔係可以係S+V+O,只可以係V+O/S+V 到底係咪真係咁?

eg:There is a good activity which students can improve their English.

2.呢句係咪錯?如果我將which改做that 係咪就岩?
3.如果我係都要用which,係咪要改成:There is a good activity which can improve children's English.

4.仲有,我想問如果which 後面係S+V,個V係咪v.i or v.t 都得??

回答 (3)

2011-04-27 1:51 am
Q1 在adj clause 句 應沒限制用svo/vo/sv.
是怎麼樣去形容 [ 先行詞a good activety]都可以. "which" 在此是relative pronoun.

例: This is [a good activity] which students can improve thire English.
這是 那一些(指活動) 能改善學生們的英文 的 [ 一個好活動].......clause 作形容詞用.

例: This is a good activity which can improve children's English.
那一些能改善兒童英文的 [ 一個好活動 ] ......... clause 作形容詞用.

Q2. 句句都冇錯, 改用that則另有解釋:
that在此是引述名詞子句的[從屬連詞] 在noun clause作整句object.

例: A good activity(S) can improve(Vt)
that children are able to learn English.(Object)

Q3. 從句是which或是that, 那是adj clause 或 noun clause 的分別而已.

Q4. 任何clause 的 連詞,後面的子句vi/vt都可以.

2011-04-26 9:17 pm
1. What your teacher said is wrong.
2. Both "that" and "which" are acceptable in your case.
3. No
4. Usually, it should be a transitive verb because there are details which
you want to describe after the verb. Still, it can also be an intransitive verb.

Hope you find it useful.
2011-04-26 6:21 am
There is a good activity which enable students to improve their English

This is the dress, which I love very much, was given to me by my mother on my last bvirthday.

2011-04-25 22:21:45 補充:
on my last birthday

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