Fin. Acct / Fin. Mgt Question

2011-04-26 1:55 am
Company A showed the following info on its 2010 income statement:
Sales=$127000; Cost of goods sold = $64300; other expense = $3900;
depr expense = $9600; interest expense = $7100; taxes = $15210;
dividends= $8400.

Also, you are told that the firm issued $2500 in new equity during 2010, and redeemed $3800 in outstanding long-term debt.

(c) If net fixed assets increased by $13600 during this year, what was the addition to net working capital? (4marks)

回答 (1)

2011-04-29 3:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cashflow statement (direct method):operatingactivities:
cashreceipts: 127000
cashpaid: 64300
expenses: 3900
interestpaid: 7100
taxespaid: 15210
Netcash flows from operating activties: 36490Investingactivities:captitalexpenditures: (13600)Netcash flow from operating activites: (13600)Financingactivities:dividendspaid: (8400) equitiesissued: 2500 debtsissued: (3800) Netcash flow from financing activities: (9700)
Netincrease in cash and cash eq:36490- 13600 - 9700 = 13190

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 15:44:06
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