I feel like Crying...But I can't cry, and it's driving me crazy?

2011-04-23 5:03 pm
Nothing bad has happened to me. I'm not depressed or anything, I have great family and friends. But for some reason I just feel like crying alot! I'm on my Period now, so I'm getting crazy mood swings. What's wrong with me?

回答 (5)

2011-04-23 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A good cry is a great stress reliever. Sometimes I feel the need for a good cry. I have a couple of movies that I can count on to make me bawl my eyes out. Find you a couple, get a box of tissues and make yourself feel better at the end.
2011-04-24 12:07 am
You might have a bad case of the herpes
2011-04-24 12:06 am
it's the hormones at fault.
參考: had the same mood swings when i have my period.
2011-04-24 12:05 am
Baby, my shoulder is available for your crying.
2011-04-24 12:04 am
You already answered your question XD You're on your period.

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