who would win in a fight, tiger or lion?

2011-04-23 5:01 pm
and why?

回答 (9)

2011-04-23 6:30 pm
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My answer, all of the above
2011-04-24 2:25 am
If they met in the wilds, a pack of lions would all attack the tiger and overwhelm it. The tiger is generally bigger and is stronger, so it would win if they fought "mano a mano", but lions fight dirty.
2011-04-24 12:34 am
I think it's tigers cuz tigers are bigger stronger and more ferce. I read the other andswer and I'll agree that lions don't fight and let the lioness do all the fighting. Lions have more disadvantages and tiger have the upper hand
2011-04-24 12:04 am
most likely a tiger as they're bigger than lions and have sharper teeth/claws
tigers are also faster
and lions don't like going in water and tigers do......so an advantage for tigers i guess????
參考: cat fanatic
2011-04-24 12:04 am
Tiger will sure win because Lion doesn't fight. Lions let the girls (lioness) do all the fighting.
2011-04-24 12:03 am
Preferably a tiger due to its advance hunting techniques, vicious combat style and overall stealth whereas a lion sleeps 16 to 20 hrs a day and relies mostly on lionesses for hunting and other combat situations.
參考: My brain from where all information rises...
2011-04-24 12:03 am
Tiger. More nimble.
2011-04-24 12:36 am
Tiger, duh
參考: Because I said sooooo
2011-04-24 12:33 am
Since a tiger is twice the length of a lion and 3 to 4 times its weight, with much larger teeth and claws, it would be no contest.

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