
2011-04-23 11:08 pm


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2011-04-24 7:57 pm
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Lion, or write to do the lion, the scientific name Panthera leo, Department of African and Asian species of live sound generous big cats, lion mane do feature the public. Big Cats Lions series the most successful generous in the past, the distribution channel of several continents, but today has been good drainage fine generous living environment. Features [Edit]
Following the Lions line after the second largest tiger cats generous, the Drainage Department of Africa's most important large generous "Hunter." Male lion to 1.8 meters in length, shoulder height of about 1.2 meters, 1 meter long tail section, the average weight 225 kg. Lion Soft Fleece to 1.6 meters in length, shoulder height of about 1 meter, 0.85 meter long tail section, the average weight 150 kg. Most generous lions in southern Africa, Asia, the most generous size.

Environment [Edit]

Today, most lions live in affected sub-Saharan Africa, the Sahara desert north of the generous lion Bei 1940 Nuisance sun. Bei 20th century almost all of Asia, the Lions must Shaizhong generous, just ring the Indian Department of generous net weight of a natural park fan loudness of a GOD. Well besides the forest before, all the Lions have a generous environment, generous living environment today Drainage Die greatly shrinking. Lions prefer the steppe, dry forest will ring appears with the semi-desert to rainforest Will not affect all child live in the desert.

China Nuisance producing the lion, Bei Western Han Dynasty (138 BC) when Zhang Qian the Han Dynasty, opened Zo communication in Central Asia, West Asia generous Silk Road, with a lot of the 嗰 lion, it will be brought back to China to do a tribute drainage [4 ].
Food [Edit]

Lions will also eat rotten meat generous, was kicked out of the Li generous body of the lion eating the public generally, or try to steal other predators like leopard or cheetah generous prey population will grab Ge Bei hyenas eat.

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2011-04-23 11:42 pm
3.有黃毛(yellow fur),尾巴(tail),雄性頸部長有濃毛,有銳牙(acute teeth)

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