
2011-04-23 8:41 pm
translate into english

回答 (4)

2011-04-23 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ratio of respiratory illness increase
The ratio of people infected by respiratory illness increases

The flow of air in the inland areas becomes weaker

Several side by side (並排,我估可能係"連續在一起"的意思) skyscrapers, in a densely populated city with limited supply of land, ......

2011-04-23 13:21:10 補充:
樓上用google translate


population 唔會 tight , ground 這裏指土地不正確, continuous 唔係指空間上的連續,
第3句成句係名詞,之前果句"人口密集、土地有限城市中,數幢連續在一起的"是形容摩天建築,樓上"population tight , ground limited center , many continuous in the same place sky scraping build. " 呢句結構明顯錯誤
參考: 我
2011-04-23 11:20 pm
Increase in the proportion of respiratory illnesses
Inland areas of reduced air flow
Population density, limited land cities, the number of consecutive blocks with the rise buildings

~Hope can help you~^^
參考: Google翻譯
2011-04-23 10:44 pm
Increase in the proportion of respiratory illnesses
Inland areas of reduced air flow
Population density, limited land cities, the number of consecutive blocks with the rise buildings
2011-04-23 9:06 pm
1) Anatomy trouble"s ratio increase.

2 )the inland"s area air fluid weaken.

3) population tight , ground limited center , many continuous

in the same place sky scraping build.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:02:12
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