tense 問題

2011-04-23 10:22 am
我睇緊Alice's Adventures in wonderland(愛麗絲)....唔明點解會用過去式寫......


回答 (3)

2011-04-23 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.你寫日記都寫past tense,因為不是現在發生
2.因為lee套戲既故事係發生咗,所以D人先可以睇this story
3.你睇書嗰陣都會見到< one upon a time>, < one upon a time>means很久 很久以前

Hope I can help you!!
參考: me^^
2011-04-23 7:13 pm
I think the question is why Carroll did use the past tense, not why he didn't...
2011-04-23 6:58 pm
我睇緊Alice's Adventures in wonderland(愛麗絲)....唔明點解會用過去式寫==

It is because this story happened in the past so you will see past tense in the story book.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:56:47
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