
2011-04-23 6:48 am
1.)I can't ensure his being on time.2.)I can't ensure that he will be there on time.

佢查字典就話 保證; 擔保[O9][+that][+v-ing]

同埋我想問下[+v-ing] 又咩意思? 係咪 後邊加VERB 唔係用ensure to 而係用 ensure v+ing ?

回答 (2)

2011-04-23 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
你發唔發現 He will be there on time 呢句野係可以獨立成為一句意思完整既句子?

其實好多時that 後面就係要用呢d句子,
--> You are sad.
--> I understand that you are sad.
雖然話唔用個that 後面都可以用呢d完整句, 但係用左that就一定要用
--> I understand your sadness.
X I understand that your sadness ( THIS IS WRONG)

2011-04-23 02:30:03 補充:
verb + ing 可以變做Gerund, 即係由動詞變身成既名詞
正如i understand your sadness中, sadness 都係一個名詞

ensure 後邊可以用to 既! 你自己上google打ensure to, 就搵到好多例子啦~
2011-04-25 5:46 am
Q1. I(S) can't ensure( Vt) his being(O) on time. 是一般的[ 陳述句] = SVO.

Q2. I(S) can't ensure(Vt) that he will be there on time.(O) 是clause中的 noun clause,
(that)是從屬連詞subordinate conjunction,引領整句作object. "that"=他將準時在該處.

noun clause 作object時是可將that隱藏.
=I can't ensure XXXX he will be there on time.

= That he will be there on time is not ensured to me.

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