present continuous tense!!!!!!

2011-04-23 5:12 am
我想問下,.present continuous可以用係plan好既野啊ma
the plan ________(leave) at 10:00am
the plan leaves at 10:00am
老師就話係因為timetable所以就有present tense
但係我見到egu有個sentence係"mary is going to work in the usa next week"
咁其實佢地2句都係timetable...點解一個係用present tense,一個係用present continuous?

回答 (4)

2011-04-23 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不是 plan (計劃), 是 plane (飛機). 我想你的句子多數打錯,

The plan leaves at 10:00 am. ~ totally wrong.
The plan is to leave at 10:00 am ~ correct.
The plane leaves at 10:00 am ~ correct (是 timetabled event)
Mary is going to work in the USA next week. ~ correct (不是 timetabled event)

Plan is an abstract noun; only plane and people can leave at 10:00 am.
你老師提到 timetable. 因為涉在 timetable, 所以這句子使用 present simple tense. 如果是 plan, 不會提到 timetable.僅有航空公司班機會遵循 timetable按時離開.

English does not have a future tense, but use a variety of forms to talk about the future. The choice of form often depends on whether we are making a prediction, expressing an intention or talking about an arrangement.

(A) We use will, won’t (the future simple) to talk about predictions which are based on guesswork, analysis or judgment.
e.g. Will interest rate rise next month?
He will like the idea, I’m sure.
We often use the same form to talk about a decision made at time of decision.
e.g. You look tired. I shall cook the dinner tonight.
I will come with you at the weekend, whatever my parents say!
(Determination is strengthened at the time of speaking.)

(B) We also use be going to + infinitive to make a prediction, especially if there is evidence in the present to justify the prediction.
e.g. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.
We also use be going to + infinitive for intentions (i.e. for actions that have already been decided on.)
e.g. He is going to study medicine at H.K.U. next year.

(C) We use present continuous tense to describe an event which has already been arranged at the time of speaking.
e.g. We are touring France next week. (We have got the tickets.)

(D) We can use the present simple for future certainties. For example, time fixed in timetables, calendars.
e.g. The tour departs on May 10th for a week and cost $1000.
Next Monday is a public holiday.

There are other forms for the future too. Hope my explanation can help.

2011-04-23 05:53:53 補充:
Correction: Replace "cost" with "costs"

The tour departs on May 10th for a week and costs $1000.
參考: Longman Advanced English Grammar
2011-04-23 7:26 am
mary is going to work in the usa next week
is going to = be going to

be going to 同 will 相似,但be going to比will更加肯定,通常會有certainly,sure,definitely,doubtful等字眼。

The plan is going to leave at 10:00am.比The plan leaves at 10 am.好,因為plan(即計劃,有計劃地),即係已經有多於一半的肯定。而will(可能),不太肯定的語氣。所以is going to較適合。

(PS:呢個係Future tense,唔係Present tense)
參考: 個人知識
2011-04-23 6:00 am
plan or plane?

The plane leaves at 10 am
2011-04-23 5:54 am
‘Mary is going to work in the USA next week’. 唔係屬於 timetable 因為 next week 並不是確實的時間表 Example of timetable: The train is leaving at 1.30 p.m. (“Present continuous” for a near future event ) I leave at 9.30 a.m. next Monday. (“Present tense” for future exact time i.e. like a timetable) J The plan is to leave at 10 am 係 好過 “The plan leaves at 10 am “( = The plan is for us to leave at 10 am ) 因為 The plan itself doesn’t leave. Only people leave. So I would only give your teacher 7 marks out of 10 J

2011-04-22 22:28:42 補充:
Unless you meant : " The plane leaves at 10 am " !!
參考: me, me

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